Twitter by SMS is no more

In Europe at least, Twitter was unable to come to an agreement with mobile phone operators to continue to send incoming Tweets to mobile phones via SMS, at least one person thinks that SMS is a deceptively profitable service for the network operators. Surely services that use SMS are going to generate more revenue as people pass funny Tweets onto non-Twitter users. After all, all of those jokes that zip round like wildfire whenever something happens in the news aren’t just the creative juices of the masses expressed in a short message, they are written by the networks to encourage people to send more messages (by passing the jokes on). ...

August 18, 2008 · 1 min

Site Upgrade

Upgraded the site to WordPress 2.6, also switched the style to use widgets so everything down the left hand side is now a widget rather than some hand coded SQL stuff, that worked but could have been much better, now it is! As you can probably see I am experementing with Twitter I don’t know if I am going to get along with it, but I do like the idea of blogging with less than 140 characters. ...

July 22, 2008 · 1 min